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JavaScript Bible, 4th edition - Сравнительно не старая (2001) книга о JavaScript. Основная ориентация на IE4 и NN4, но может быть использована как справочник по языку и как сборник советов. 7430934 3608
Ajax in action - This part of the book introduces the main concepts of Ajax. Chapter 1 presents Ajax and reasons to use it. Chapter 2 covers the technical fundamentals, and shows how they fit together. The aim is that, by the end of the book, you’ll be able to tackle real-world projects bigger than a “hello world.” Chapter 3 introduces the software development tools that we’ve used to manage large projects, and shows you how to use them with Ajax. 6577191 5226
Javascript - Книга "JavaScript. Энциклопедия пользователя" является наиболее полным учебным и справочным руководством по всем версиям языка JavaScript, включая JavaScript 1.5 и JScript 5.O. 53593575 4629
JavaScript Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition - 97750 3969
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